
Leave a gift in your will

By leaving a gift in your will to Young Women's Trust, your legacy will live on long into the future for generations to come.

Make your 2023 resolutions count

Make your new year's resolution to take action and create real, meaningful change for young women. Campaign with us with #CostingOurFutures or help in other ways to support our work.

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Young Women’s Manifesto for an Equal World of Work

This manifesto put together by young women demonstrates that they need equal opportunities, success, and progress. Employers, policymakers, managers, and colleagues must use their power to make a change.

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Our annual report

The Young Women’s Trust Annual Report, highlighting key achievements, financial health, community impact, governance, and future goals. Gain insights into the Trust’s progress and commitment to empowering young women.

Woman pointing at a graph and explaining a concept.

Research Centre

Our research highlights the real experiences of young women and the economic injustice they face. They are at the centre of our research, trained as peer researchers and telling young women's stories.

Two women talking sitting opposite each other at a table

Our peer research approach

Peer research is research that is led and carried out by people with lived experience of the topic being studied.

An illustration of a young black woman with one hand in the air and one hand holding a mic.

Campaign with us

Campaign with Young Women's Trust and together we can build a fairer working future for young women.

Young women smiling in a group

Online community

Connect with other young women online and share your experiences.